"සුද්දා", "සුද්දී": ලේබල්කරණයෙන් වළකිමු
On April 17, 2023, two newspaper reports published in Aruna and Mawbima used derogatory terms "Sudda" and "Suddi" (සුද්දා, සුද්දී) in the heading to refer to foreigners based on their skin colour. Usage of such terms in media reporting can contribute towards the discrimination of foreign nationals. It should be noted that the same reports included the correct terminology "Brithanya tharuniya" and "wideshikayeku" (බ්රිතාන්ය තරුණිය, විදේශිකයෙකු) in the content.
This entry includes a write-up and an infographic (both in Sinhala).
- Ethics Eye [922]