මත්ද්රව්ය බෝම්බය - කතුවැකියක් සහ කාන්තාව ලිංගික වස්තුවක් ලෙසින් දැක්වීමක්?
On 20th February 2024, the Divaina editorial reported on a drug-related incident involving a woman. In the editorial, they described the woman’s physical appearance, a practice that can contribute to the objectification and stereotyping of women, as well as sensationalising the report. Furthermore, the editorial used the derogatory term "Kudukarayan" (කුඩුකාරයන්) to refer to individuals involved in the drug crime. Such language can reinforce the stigma against survivors of drug abuse.
This entry includes a write-up and an infographic (both in Sinhala).
- Ethics Eye [922]
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