රාජ්ය ආයතන නිලධාරිනියන්ට "පහසු ඇඳුමට ඉඩක්" - "ගැලපෙන ඇඳුමට ඉඩක්" - "රාජ්ය නිලධාරිනියන්ගේ සාරි ගලවයි" - මේ සිරස්තල පිළිබඳ ඔබේ අදහස?
There was a difference between headlines published in Dinamina and Ada on September 22, 2022 and Sunday Aruna on October 2, 2022 regarding the circular issued stating that school teachers can report to work in casual attire. While Ada and Dinamina reported it using words like පහසු ඇඳුම and ගැලපෙන ඇඳුම, Sunday Aruna headline was රාජ්ය නිලධාරිනියන්ගේ සාරි ගලවයි.
This entry includes a write-up and infographic. (both in Sinhala)
- Ethics Eye [923]