කිලිටි වූ යන අදහස දෙන 'දූෂණය - කෙලෙසීම' වැනි වදන් වෙනුවට 'ලිංගික අපරාධය - ලිංගික අපයෝජනය' යන යෙදුම් වඩාත් යෝග්ය වේ
During the month of September 2022, Dinamina reported of a sex crime against a minor by calling it ‘dooshanaya’ which gives the notion that the victim is polluted, while Ada reported it calling it a ‘lingika apayojanaya’ which is a more appropriate term. Sunday Mawbima reported of a similar incident while victim blaming and calling the crime a ‘keleseem’ which also gives the notion that the victim is polluted. Similarly, Dinamina also reported of a sex crime, buy referring to the victim as ‘kiliti vu’ which means dirtied. Once again, Dinamin and Divaina reported of a sex crime against a minor using terms such as ‘keleseema’ and ‘dooshanaya’ while also blaming the victim, while Ada reported of the same incident by referring to the crime as ‘apayojanaya’. Additionally, Divaina reported of a sex crime against a minor by saying the victim was given in marriage thereby trivializing a criminal offence.
This entry includes 5 write-ups and 5 infographics (both in Sinhala)
- Ethics Eye [923]