Now showing items 1-10 of 184
සෘණාත්මක සන්දර්භයන් තුළ, පුවතට සෘජුව අදාළ නොවන වාර්ගිකත්වය සදහන් කිරීම
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2021-09-02)
An infographic showing Divaina daily, Sunday Divaina, Mawbima daily, Sunday Mawbima, Aruna daily, Sunday Aruna, Lankadeepa daily and Sunday Lankadeepa, Dinamina and Silumina highlighting ethnicity in negative contexts from ...
කොවිඩ් 19 සහ අයහපත් පූර්වාදර්ශ
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2021-06-16)
In the month of June 2021, ITN, Swarnavahini, Sirasa, and Siyatha TV programs broadcast the use of face shields without masks, which sets a bad example during the third wave of Covid-19.
දිවි අහිමි කරගැනීම පිළිබඳ මාධ්ය ආචාරධර්ම
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2021-09)
In the month of September 2021 articles published in The Morning, Ceylon Today and Ada mentioned suicide helplines when reporting on suicide, keeping in line with media ethical guidelines.
චෝදනාවට ලක්වූ රාජ්ය ඇමතිවරයෙක්: ඔහුගේ නම හෙලි කරන සහ නොකරන පුවත්පත්
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2021-09-16)
In the month of September 2021 articles published in daily Aruna and Lankadeepa did not reveal the name of state minister Lohan Ratwatte, accused of breaking the law, when they reported on the incident. The Morning mentioned ...
කොවිඩ් 19 පිළිබඳ සිරස්තල සහ මාධ්ය ආචාර ධර්ම
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2021-07-01)
In the month of June 2021, articles published in Aruna and Mawbima published misleading headlines regarding Covid-19, which violates media ethics.
විහාරාධිපති හිමිගෙන් ලක්ෂ 25ක කප්පමක් ඉල්ලූ හිතවතා අත්අඩංගුවට: පුවතට අදාළ නොවන වාර්ගිකත්වයන්
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2021-04-08)
On the 8th of April, Mawbima two articles published in Mawbima reported the ethnicity of individuals when it is not relevant to the news.
ලිංගික අතවරයකට ලක්වූ වින්දිතයන්ගේ ජායාරූප පළ කිරීම කෙතරම් ආචාර ධර්මානුකූලද?
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2021-08-20)
In the month of August 2021 an article published in Sunday Lankadeepa revealed the identity of a victim of sexual assault which is a violation of media ethics.
කොවිඩ්-19 පිළිබඳ මූලාශ්ර රහිත වාර්තාකරණය සහ මාධ්ය ආචාර ධර්ම
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2021-05-11)
In the month of May 2021 articles published in Mawbima and Ceylon Today published information regarding Covid-19 vaccines without sources.
එකම පුවතක්, මූලාශ්ර සහිත සහ මූලාශ්ර රහිත වාර්තාකරණයන්
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2021-08-04)
In the month of August 2021 an article published in Mawbima reported on Sri Lanka's vaccine rollout without mentioning any sources which is a violation of media ethics. Ceylon Today reported the same news with sources.
"ඔමික්රෝන් කත ද?" ඔමික්රෝන් වැලඳුණු කත ද?
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2021-12-09)
In the month of December 2021, an article published in Lankadeepa used the term "Omicron katha", which discriminates and blames a patient contracting the COVID-19 virus. Meanwhile, Dinamina published an article on the same ...