Budget Promises: 2021 End Year Assessment Infographics
For the end year assessment of the 2021 budget, 37 RTI requests were filed to 28 implementing government agencies for information on Expenditure Proposals and Verité filed 12 RTI requests with 9 implementing government agencies for the regulatory proposals. The proposals were categorized into five categories based on the level of openness similar to that done in previous years; “closed”, “restricted”, “uncooperative”, “responsive” or “open”. The proposals were also assessed according to how far they have been implemented under the categories of "undisclosed", "fulfilled", "substantial", "partial", "poor" and "broken". The findings were disseminated via 5 infographics in English and Sinhala.
This IKR upload contains 01 document with the English infographics and 01 document with the Sinhala infographics
- Infographics [163]