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dc.contributor.authorEcon Team
dc.descriptionThis infographic was posted on the Public Finance Platform in English, Sinhala and Tamil.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe General Election is approaching, and the government expects to spend LKR 11 billion. This includes LKR 5 billion from the consolidated fund for 2024, with the remaining LKR 6 billion to be charged in next year's budget. This represents a 93% increase compared to the LKR 5.7 billion spent in 2020, although the government does not always spend the full allocated amount—it spent only LKR 5.7 billion out of the LKR 8 billion allocated last time in 2020 general election. In 2020, more than half of the expenditure was on salaries, overtime, and allowances for election staff, totaling LKR 3.2 billion (56% of the total expenditure). Other significant costs included fuel and vehicle rentals amounting to LKR 499 million, and printing costs of LKR 463 million.en_US
dc.publisherColombo: Verité Researchen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPublic Finance Infographics;
dc.subjectPublic Finance - General electionen_US
dc.subjectPublic Finance - Election expenditureen_US
dc.subjectPublic Finance - Election commissionen_US
dc.subjectPublic Finance - General election budget 2020en_US
dc.titleHow is the election budget spent? Half the cost in 2020 was voted to pay the workforceen_US

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