Now showing items 41-60 of 227

    • Kanchana Wijesekera: Fuel Price Formula;P0064
      (, 4/21/2023)
      PARTLY TRUE: Fuel Cost Breakdown - Data for the formula from actual cost incurred during the immediate past 28 days period from 28th February - 28th March 2023….Price difference (between the formula base price per litre ...
    • Ranjith Siyabalapitiya: On tax paying labour force;E1665
      (, 3/16/2023)
      FALSE: "Only 120,965 persons or 2.6 percent of the labour force, who are earning over Rs.100,000 per month, are subjected to the PAYE tax." Ranjith Siyabalapitiya, Daily Mirror, 11 February 2023
    • Patali Champika Ranawaka: True on SL’s uneasy equilibrium, false on fuel bill savings ;E1638
      ( , 2/13/2023)
      PARTLY TRUE: …the current normalcy in the country is at a low-level equilibrium. This is an uneasy equilibrium.... Our normal [monthly] fuel bill stood at US $ 550 million. It has now been cut down to US $ 200 million… Patali ...
    • Ranil Wickremesinghe: Direct and Indirect Taxes;P0059
      ( , 2/17/2023)
      TRUE: In other countries, most of the taxes are collected from a higher income bracket. In 2021, in India – 50% direct tax…Bangladesh – direct tax 32%...Nepal – direct 31%....69%. Indonesia – direct tax 40%...Vietnam – ...
    • Ranil Wickremesinghe: Income Tax Files;P0062
      ( , 3/9/2023)
      TRUE: In 2019, there were 1.5 million income tax files in total…when we abolished the PAYE tax, in December 2021, we [only] had 400,000 income tax files. It reduced from 1.5 million to 400,000. Ranil Wickremesinghe, ...
    • Anura Kumara Dissanayake - National Wealth;P0061
      ( , 3/2/2023)
      PARTLY TRUE: Today, 36% of our country’s national wealth is generated from the Western Province. The North Central Province’s contribution to our country’s national wealth is 5%. The contribution of the North Western ...
    • Ranjith Siyambalapitiya: Import Shortage ;P0060
      ( , 2/23/2023)
      FALSE: …It is because this step was taken [ban imports on certain items] that essential items such as fuel, medicine and fertiliser can be imported without any shortages… Ranjith Siyabalapitiya, Newswire, 26 January 2023
    • Ranjit Siyabalapitiya: Fiscal Position ;E1644
      ( , 2/2/2023)
      FALSE: In 2022, the government’s revenue and expenditure difference were as high as 256% or Rs. 3,058 billion. [In 2023] The government expect the revenue to be Rs. 3.45 trillion, while the expenditure will go up to Rs. ...
    • Kanchana Wijesekera: Electricity Generation Cost ;E1610
      ( , 1/27/2023)
      PARTLY TRUE: If we are in a situation where there is no rainfall, provided that we are able to obtain all the coal we need by April, we would be able to provide electricity all 24 hours of the day, without interruptions…That ...
    • Mano Ganesan: Food Insecurity;E1605
      ( , 1/12/2023)
      CORRECT: Food insecurity in Sri Lanka is highest in the estate sector at 51%, while it is 43% in the urban sector and 34% in the rural sector. The World Bank has reported that the country’s poverty rate has climbed to 26% ...
    • Ashok Abeysinghe: Government Revenue Estimates;S3470
      ( , 1/20/2023)
      FALSE: …The [2023] budget presented this time is seeking the highest revenue in the entire history of Sri Lanka. Compared to last year, this year’s revenue shows an increase of 70%. In Sri Lanka, at no point has the revenue ...
    • Ruwan Wijewardene: Debt increase 

      (, 7/28/2022)
      TRUE: Some people in the present government say that the country has come to this situation because we [yahapalana government] took loans. 80% of the loans we took were used for settling the loans obtained by Mahinda ...
    • Janaka Ratnayake: Fuel price reductions 

      (, 8/4/2022)
      True: The price of petrol was reduced by 20 rupees last night. I had pointed out two weeks ago that the price of a litre of petrol… can be reduced by 150 rupees. – Janaka Ratnayake, PUCSL Press Release, 18 July 2022
    • Maithripala Sirisena: Aragalaya 

      (, 7/21/2022)
      FALSE: Irrespective of who is there [in positions of power], an unconstitutional event has already taken place in the country… The other thing is that none of the 225 MPs, the current president or prime minister can take ...
    • Ranil Wickremesinghe: Election costs 

      (  , 6/30/2022)
      BLATANTLY FALSE: You cannot go for elections now. The economy is getting really bad. We have to stabilise the economy. The cost of the last election was Rs.10 billion. It will cost Rs.20 billion this time. A candidate will ...
    • Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe: Constitutional amendments 

      (, 6/23/2022)
      FALSE: The executive presidential system can only be abolished by enacting a new constitution. This is because the president’s powers extend throughout the constitution. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, Sunday Lankadeepa, 28 May 2022
    • Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe: IMF 

      ( , 6/16/2022)
      TRUE: An Extended Fund Facility (EFF) - which allows longer repayment periods - may be best suited to the country, it typically requires deeper structural reforms. Nandalal Weerasinghe, Daily News, 19 April 2022.
    • Ali Sabry: Tax revenue 

      (  , 6/9/2022)
      PARTLY TRUE: It [tax revenue as a percentage of GDP] decreased over time, under all these governments [every government since 1981] and today it has collapsed to a value of 8.7%. Mohamed Ali Sabry, Asian Mirror YouTube ...
    • Gotabaya Rajapaksa: International Sovereign Bonds 

      ( , 6/26/2022)
      PARTLY TRUE: Every month we have to repay the loans that previous governments had obtained for various reasons. On ISBs, by 2015, we had only taken out USD 5 billion worth of them. During the time of the previous government, ...
    • Kanchana Wijesekara: Fuel prices 

      ( , 5/24/2022)
      TRUE: Fuel Price will be revised from 3am today. Fuel pricing formula that was approved by the cabinet was applied to revise the prices. Price revision includes all costs incurred in importing, unloading, distribution to ...