Now showing items 82-101 of 227

    • Harsha de Silva: Loan Collateral 

      (, 8/20/2020)
      Also, for the first time in Sri Lanka’s history, when Sri Lanka, as a sovereign state, asked the international community for a loan, they asked for collateral. This is because the international community has identified ...
    • Harsha de Silva: Multidimensional poverty;P0091
      (, 12/14/2023)
      PARTLY TRUE: The World Bank states that the poverty level which was at 13% in 2019 has by today, increased to at least 25%. The multidimensional Poverty Vulnerability of Oxford University and UNDP (sic) states that when ...
    • Harsha de Silva: Real Returns on EPF;P0082
      (, 9/29/2023)
      TRUE: […] In the [EPF] Act itself it specifies 2.5% return. […] at the time inflation was at around 1 percent, if you look at 5 years prior to 1958, the average would have been 1 percent. […] Over the years, some years ...
    • Harshana Rajakaruna: MPs not speaking in Parliament 

      (, 3/28/2019)
      TRUE: As a whole, 95% of MPs have spoken [in parliament in 2018]. It is only 5% who haven't spoken. - Harshana Rajakaruna, Silumina, 3 March 2019
    • J.C Alawathuwala: Food expenses;P0093
      (, 2024-01-18)
      PARTLY TRUE: In 2019, the expenditure on the food of an individual living in Colombo or elsewhere in Sri Lanka was between Rs. 6,000 and Rs. 6,500. By 2023, this has increased to between Rs.16,000 to Rs.17,000. That is, ...
    • Janaka Ratnayake: Fuel price reductions 

      (, 8/4/2022)
      True: The price of petrol was reduced by 20 rupees last night. I had pointed out two weeks ago that the price of a litre of petrol… can be reduced by 150 rupees. – Janaka Ratnayake, PUCSL Press Release, 18 July 2022
    • John Amaratunga: Tourism earnings 

      (, 5/16/2019)
      TRUE: When he took office in 2015, there were 1.5 million tourist arrivals and in 2018, it increased to 2.3 million. Tourism revenue was USD 2.5 billion and reached USD 4.3 billion in the same time period. - John Amaratunga, ...
    • Kabir Hashim: Poverty line;P0071
      (, 6/29/2023)
      TRUE: “…by 2019…the poverty line[sic] of this country was 11%…it has grown to 25% by 2023. I believe it is more than that. But the World Bank has calculated that it is only 25%, which means that out of 22 million in this ...
    • Kanchana Wijesekara: Fuel prices 

      ( , 5/24/2022)
      TRUE: Fuel Price will be revised from 3am today. Fuel pricing formula that was approved by the cabinet was applied to revise the prices. Price revision includes all costs incurred in importing, unloading, distribution to ...
    • Kanchana Wijesekera: Electricity Generation Cost ;E1610
      ( , 1/27/2023)
      PARTLY TRUE: If we are in a situation where there is no rainfall, provided that we are able to obtain all the coal we need by April, we would be able to provide electricity all 24 hours of the day, without interruptions…That ...
    • Kanchana Wijesekera: Forensic Audit Report 

      (, 3/5/2020)
      FALSE: "Around 96 percent of the Rs.10,000 million ‘loss’ highlighted by the Forensic Audit Report into Bond transactions from the period 2005-2015 actually went to several government institutions which benefitted immensely. ...
    • Kanchana Wijesekera: Fuel Price Formula;P0064
      (, 4/21/2023)
      PARTLY TRUE: Fuel Cost Breakdown - Data for the formula from actual cost incurred during the immediate past 28 days period from 28th February - 28th March 2023….Price difference (between the formula base price per litre ...
    • Keheliya Rambukwella: Domestic milk production 

      (, 9/16/2021)
      TRUE: [Local] milk production is still only around 40 per cent of the total requirement. - Keheliya Rambukwella, Daily News, 11 August 2021
    • Keheliya Rambukwella: GDP Growth 

      Media Team
      (, 1/16/2020)
      TRUE: When President Mahinda Rajapaksa took over the country in 2005, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was USD 20 billion. In ten years, we increased the GDP to USD 80 billion. - Keheliya Rambukwella, Dinamina, 4 December 2019
    • Keheliya Rambukwella: GDP growth 

      (, 1/15/2020)
      TRUE: When President Mahinda Rajapaksa took over the country in 2005, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was USD 20 billion. In ten years, we increased the GDP to USD 80 billion. - Keheliya Rambukwella, Dinamina, 4 December 2019
    • Keheliya Rambukwella: Vaccination ranking 

      ( , 2/10/2022)
      FALSE: In terms of administering both doses of the vaccine, as of yesterday [January 1], we rank 4th in the world; as the highest percentage from the eligible population, we rank 4th out of 194 countries in the world.- ...
    • Lakshman Kiriella: Bond scandal assets freeze 

      (, 3/11/2020)
      PARTLY TRUE: The allegation is that the UNP caused a loss of LKR 10 billion through bonds. The country has not experienced a loss because the CBSL froze/impounded LKR 12 billion from Perpetual Treasuries. However, the ...
    • Lasantha Alagiyawanna: LPG Standards 

      (, 1/13/2022)
      FALSE: This [LP gas] problem arose - especially this problem of the butane and propane composition - [because] the composition is not mentioned in the standards that have been formulated by the SLSI. - Lasantha Alagiyawanna, ...
    • Lohan Ratwatte: Credit Line for Vehicle Imports 

      (, 7/8/2021)
      BLATANTLY FALSE: This is a credit line…If that credit line is not used, it will go to waste—it must be put to use. Our government will not go into debt by importing those vehicles. - Lohan Ratwatte,, 12 June 2021
    • MA Sumanthiran: Tamil journalists 

      (factchecklka - Facebook, 12/20/2018)
      PARTLY TRUE: If I remember correctly, [in the past 20 years] 14 Tamil journalists have been murdered. - MA Sumanthiran, 25 October 2018, Mawbima