Now showing items 39-58 of 1166

    • Bandula Gunawardana: Active Liability Management Act 

      (, 9/26/2019)
      FALSE: This government passed an act to obtain annual loans from foreigners without limitations. This act was passed by misleadingly naming it the Active Liability Management Act. According to this, they can obtain any ...
    • Bandula Gunawardana: Bond Commission report 

      (factchecklka - Facebook, 11/14/2018)
      BLATANTLY FALSE: In early February 2018, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Jaffna District MP and party spokesman M.A. Sumanthiran sabotaged an adjournment debate on the treasury bond scam report. The newspaper went on to say ...
    • Bandula Gunawardana: Central Bank Liability 

      (, 6/25/2020)
      TRUE: When money is deposited in a financial institution, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka is only responsible for up to LKR 600,000. - Bandula Gunawardana, Department of Government Information Facebook Page, 4 June 2020
    • Bandula Gunawardana: Debt 

      (, 1/20/2022)
      FALSE: The debt stood at 2 trillion when Mahinda Rajapaksa took over the country. It stood at 7 trillion at the time he handed over the country. The debt only rose by 5 trillion in [those] 10 years. [But] The debt stood ...
    • Bandula Gunawardana: Sathosa Losses 

      (, 4/8/2021)
      PARTLY TRUE: [Sathosa] was an institution that did not incur losses before 2015. Sathosa has lost 20 billion rupees during the last five years (2015 – 2019). - Bandula Gunawardana, Daily News, 10 March 2021
    • Bandula Gunawardana: Singapore FTA 

      (factchecklka - Facebook, 11/19/2018)
      BLATANTLY FALSE: As a result of the gazette notification 2069/2, nearly 4000 products can be imported with zero tariffs as per the Sri Lanka–Singapore Free Trade Agreement. - Bandula Gunawardana, 17 October 2018, Divaina
    • Bandula Gunawardana: Tax Revenue 

      (, 8/12/2021)
      PARTLY TRUE: The tax revenue in 2014 at the end of Mahinda Rajapaksa’s government was Rs. 1,050 billion. Thereafter, its successor the Good Governance Government imposed tax rates to collect more than Rs. 1,700 billion a ...
    • Bandula Gunawardane: Fiscal Management (Responsibility) Act;E1726
      (, 6/8/2023)
      TRUE: …. the Fiscal Management Responsibility Act No. 3 of 2003…had three main goals…to maintain the budget gap below 5%..... reducing public debt as a percentage of GDP to 65% by 2013, that is, in 10 years…. reducing the ...
    • Bandula Gunawardane: Total Exports 

      (, 2/3/2022)
      PARTLY TRUE: Sri Lanka increased exports by 23% amidst challenging environment faced both locally and globally. Total exports are USD 12.3 billion in 2020 and USD15.12 billion in 2021. - Bandula Gunawardane, Official ...
    • Basil Rajapaksa: 2021 Government Revenue 

      (, 11/11/2021)
      BLATANTLY FALSE: Especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Rs. 1500-1600 billion has reduced from the revenue that we should have generated during this year alone. That is even higher than the amount we estimated to be the ...
    • Basil Rajapaksa: Poultry and eggs 

      (, 12/9/2021)
      TRUE:Sri Lanka…[is] already [close to being] self-sufficient in eggs and poultry. - Basil Rajapaksa, Budget Speech, 12 Novemeber 2021
    • Black July: How did the press cover it? 

      Divide scale posts;
      Media Team
      (Colombo: Veritè Research, 7/31/2019)
      The manner in which the Sinhala and Tamil press covered commemorative events of the 1983 Black July Sinhala press - 14 Tamil press - 56
    • Buddhist Archaeological sites under attack 

      Media Team
      (Colombo: Veritè Research, 11/30/2019)
      Based on a discussion with the Ellawala Medanandha Thera, Lakbima reports that Buddhist archeological sites in the North and the East have recently come under attack in unprecedented ways. The thera points out that even ...
    • Budget Check 2021 

      (, 11/17/2020)
      For the very first time in Sri Lanka, the FactCheck team at Verité Research conducted the inaugural #BudgetCheck2021. The team carried out live fact checking on claims made by Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa in his 2021 ...
    • A child dies in Tissamaharama reportedly from malnutrition: How well did the press cover it? 

      Divide scale posts;
      Media Team
      (Colombo: Veritè Research, 6/30/2019)
      The manner in which the Sinhala and Tamil press reported the death of a child in Tissamaharama reportedly due to malnutrition Sinhala press - 36 articles Tamil press - 03 articles
    • College of Community Physicians: COVID-19 Burials 

      (, 1/14/2021)
      TRUE: WHO, CDC and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control had issued clear and extensive guidelines on handling dead bodies confirmed or suspected as having COVID-19… all these global pandemic control ...
    • Conspiracy theories presented without sources 

      Ethics Eye Team (Colombo: Verite Research, 2020-04-01)
      On 31 March 2020, Divaina published an article containing a conspiracy theory regarding COVID-19 that had been refuted by factchecking sites. Divaina did not cite sources to back up its claim.
    • COVID-19 and Prejudiced Points 

      Ethics Eye Team (Colombo: Verite Research, 2020-04-02)
      On 01 April 2020, Aruna ran an article quoting a vague source which claimed that hiding correct information is a trait of an individual's religion (which was also the religion of a COVID-19 patient)
    • COVID-19: Is ethnicity relevant? 

      Ethics Eye Team (Colombo: Verite Research, 2020-03-20)
      On 19 March 2020 Mawbima published a news item on COVID-19 that emphasised irrelevant details including the ethnicity of a patient and (negative) details about patients
    • Creation of improved media governance and enabling environment for media sector - FINAL PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION REPORT – YEAR 01 

      Media Team (Veritè Research, 2019-06)
      Verité Research (VR), in partnership with the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) and United States Agency for International Development (USAID), commenced work in May 2018 on the role played by the Sinhala ...