Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Financing of the Budget Deficit, 2010 to 2022 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      The following infographic depicts the financing of the budget deficit from 2010 to 2022 estimates as presented in the 2022 budget.
    • Is Maldives going down Sri Lanka's path?: Concern on Budget Deficits 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-08-16)
      Besides 2017 and 2018, Sri Lanka’s annual Primary Balance has consistently been a deficit with 2021 reporting the largest deficit of 6 percent. Maldives follows a consecutive negative trend in their Primary Balance with ...
    • Supplementary Estimate 2022: What it Entails and Its Impact on the Budget Balance 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      Supplementary Estimates are made when the government needs to spend money for which it has not received parliamentary approval. Such provisions are intended to be utilized for urgent and unforeseen expenditure. On 8th June ...