Browsing Research Reports by Title
Now showing items 41-60 of 74
Public Report on the 2021 Budget: Assessment on Whether the Expenditure Allocations and Taxation Policies are in Line with the Governments Policy
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2021-03)This report will assist the public and other stakeholders in understanding the adequacy, credibility and prioritisation of the government’s expenditure allocations and taxation policies and the extent to which these are ... -
Public Report on the 2022 Budget: Assessment of the Fiscal, Financial and Economic Assumptions Used in the Budget Estimates
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2021)The 2022 budget was presented to the parliament on November 12, 2021, outlining the government’s proposals to raise public funds through taxation and proposals for expenditure during the year. These proposals form the ... -
A Rational Method for Cabinet Formation in Sri Lanka: A White Paper
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2020-08)Ministries are the overarching bodies that house relevant government bodies such as departments and authorities in charge of a particular subject area. They are responsible for the formulation and approval of national level ... -
S&SEA Rice Exports: Challenges in relation with the new EU MRL
(Geneva: CUTS International, 2019-10)This Country Update Note provides the views of rice exporters and government agencies in Sri Lanka on their perceptions of the issues they face in complying with EU MRL requirements. The MRL regulations effective at the ... -
Special Report – Budget 2012
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2011-12-30)The report summarises Sri Lanka’s macroeconomic environment, analysing the 2012 budget and providing a comparative study of government expenditure. It finds that the focus of government expenditure has shifted from funding ... -
Sri Lanka Budget 2013: Increasing Assistance, and Vulnerability
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2012-12)This report presents an analysis of the contradictory nature of the Budget 2013 through increased assistance to the poor, while at the same time increasing their vulnerability. The analysis of Budget 2013, rather than ... -
Sri Lanka's Domestic Barriers to Trade: Case Studies of Agricultural Exports
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2017-02)Trade barriers refer to factors beyond the exporter’s direct control that adversely affect the cost, quality, quantity, or timely delivery of products. Such barriers found at home are termed domestic barriers, while those ... -
Sri Lanka-China FTA: Challenges and Opportunities - Insights from Analysing China’s Existing FTAs
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2018-04)Sri Lanka and China decided to enter into a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in August 2013 to further expand trade between the two countries. Technical negotiations, which officially commenced in September 2014, are still ... -
Sri Lanka: Domestic Workers and Employers Survey
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2015-03)VR conducted a survey among domestic workers and employers of domestic workers in Sri Lanka during the period of March to June 2014 and analysed the findings in terms of domestic workers' working standards, wages and ... -
Sri Lanka: International Trade - Performance and Prognosis
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2014-07)This brief provides a detailed analysis of Sri Lanka's trade performance during 2013 and the first quarter of 2014. The review highlights the external and internal drivers that shaped Sri Lanka's external trade developments. ... -
Sri Lanka: International Trade - Performance and Prognosis
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2013-11)This brief analyses Sri Lanka's international trade with special reference to its trade deficit, apparel sector and tea exports. It also analyses and evaluates the policies and structural issues Sri Lanka's trade faces. -
Sri Lanka’s Export Problem: Not Concentration, But Composition
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2017-08)Sri Lanka's exports are heavily concentrated in a few markets and a few products. The government's recognition of export diversification as an important policy strategy to revive exports indicates that both market and ... -
State of the Budget Report 2022: Assessment on Whether the Expenditure Allocations and Taxation Policies are in Line with the Government’s Policy
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-03)This is the second report in a series of two reports on Sri Lanka's central government budget for the year 2022. The report assesses whether the expenditure allocations and taxation policies are in line with the government's ... -
State-Owned Enterprise Reforms in Sri Lanka: The Way Forward
(Manila : Asian Development Bank Institute, 2017-10)The authors provide a comprehensive analysis of Sri Lanka’s extensive SOE sector. The sector has witnessed episodes of nationalization and privatization and has been subject to varied degrees of competition. Yet, despite ... -
Syndicated Surveys: Mood of the Nation - Round 01 2022 (Press Release)
(Verité Research, 2022-01)Syndicated Surveys by Verité Research which gauge public sentiment on Sri Lankans' various social and political viewpoints. The data is collected through a telephone interview and a nationwide randomised sample of around ... -
Syndicated Surveys: Mood of the Nation - Round 01 2022 (Press Release)
(Verité Research, 2022-02)Syndicated Surveys by Verité Research which gauge public sentiment on Sri Lankans' various social and political viewpoints. The data is collected through a telephone interview and a nationwide randomised sample of around ... -
Syndicated Surveys: Mood of the Nation - Round 02 2022 (Press Release)
(Verité Research, 2022-06)Syndicated Surveys by Verité Research which gauge public sentiment on Sri Lankans' various social and political viewpoints. The data is collected through a telephone interview and a nationwide randomised sample of around ... -
Syndicated Surveys: Mood of the Nation - Round 02 2022 (Press Release)
(Verité Research, 2022-06)Syndicated Surveys by Verité Research which gauge public sentiment on Sri Lankans' various social and political viewpoints. The data is collected through a telephone interview and a nationwide randomised sample of around ... -
Syndicated Surveys: Mood of the Nation - Round 02 2022 - Who can be the most effective leader for Sri Lanka at this time 2022
(Verité Research, 2022-07-01)This questione answered Who can be the most effective leader for Sri Lanka at this time? Syndicated Surveys by Verité Research which gauge public sentiment on Sri Lankans' various social and political viewpoints. The data ... -
Syndicated Surveys: Mood of the Nation - Round 03 2022 (Press Release)
(Verité Research, 2022-10)Syndicated Surveys by Verité Research which gauge public sentiment on Sri Lankans' various social and political viewpoints. The data is collected through a telephone interview and a nationwide randomised sample of around ...