Now showing items 121-140 of 256

    • Expenditure Proposals from the 2023 Budget 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-11-15)
      The infographics contain some of the key expenditure proposals presented in the 2023 Budget.
    • Expected GDP Outcomes - Budget 2023 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-11-15)
      Sri Lanka Budget 2023 expects a 27% year over year increase in nominal GDP, with an increase of LKR 6,519 Bn. from the revised 2022 estimates.
    • Summary of the Budget 2023 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-11-15)
      Sri Lanka Budget 2023 anticipates higher revenue, expenditure and a 6.6% reduction in the budget deficit.
    • The Government Spent Only 10.6% of The Itukama COVID-19 Fund Balance 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      On the 23rd of March 2020, President Gotabaya Rajapaksha initiated the “Itukama” COVID-19 Healthcare and Social Security Fund. The fund’s purpose was to “strengthen the mitigation activities aimed at controlling the spread ...
    • Expenditure on the Education Sector : Regional Comparison 

      Econ Team (2022-01-24)
      The UN has dedicated the 24th of January as the International Day of Education in celebration of the role of education for peace and development. Sri Lankas’ Education Expenditure has been lagging behind regional peers. ...
    • Sri Lanka's Fiscal Targets for 2023 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-11-15)
      The infographic outlined that Government revenue was expected to be 11.3% of GDP in 2023, according to projections in the Budget 2023.
    • Earnings from Tourism: Are we getting it right? 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      Sri Lanka is expecting the earnings from tourism to play a significant role in driving the recovery of Sri Lanka’s foreign currency. However, there are important concerns accuracy of the estimated earnings from tourism. ...
    • Sectoral Allocations for the 2023 Budget 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-11-15)
      Sectoral allocations from the 2023 Budget, ranging from defence to water and sanitation. This was presented in the Budget speech for 2023.
    • Highlights from the Appropriation Bill for 2023 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-11-02)
      The Appropriation Bill for 2023 was presented to Parliament on the 18th of October, ahead of the budget speech in November. The Appropriation Bill shows that there is a 26% increase in expenditure planned for 2023, while ...
    • Gazetted Taxes are 4.3ppt to 15.4ppt of Income Higher than Proposals Affirmed in the Interim Budget 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-10-24)
      The infographics provide details on how the recent personal income tax changes will affect the amount of personal income tax paid by an individual.
    • Foregoing Competition to Secure Funding for Public Infrastructure: One third of funding secured was non-concessional 

      Econ Team; Legal Team (Colombo: Verité Research, 2023-07-04)
      In 2010, Sri Lanka established a unique framework, overseen by the Standing Cabinet Appointed Review Committee (SCARC), to handle unsolicited proposals (USPs) for public infrastructure funding. These USPs inherently bypass ...
    • Sri Lanka Ports Authority – A Profitable SOE 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      The SLPA has made an operating profit since 2015. The SLPA revenue has consistently witnessed a growth from 2015 to 2019 , with a marginal decline in 2020.From 2016 onwards the SLPA has managed to make a net profits. A ...
    • A Sri Lankan Household Spends 24% of Average Monthly Expenditure for One Full Tank of Petrol 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      Sri Lanka's fuel prices increased rapidly within the last few months, even though the Government representatives stated that Sri Lanka still had the lowest fuel prices in the region. However, with the latest fuel prices ...
    • Sri Lanka’s Fitch Credit Rating Has Been Downgraded 7 Times During the Last 7 years (May 2015 – May 2022) 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      Sri Lanka’s credit rating has been downgraded 7 times over the course of 7 years. 5 of those downgrades occurred since April 2020. In contrast, its regional peers have maintained their credit ratings. The recent downgrade ...
    • Average Time Taken to Restructure Debt 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      A country resorts to debt restructuring when its public debt is unsustainable. Debt restructuring involves a substantive default on existing debt contracts. This can occur through an orderly or disorderly process. An orderly ...
    • Reallocation of Funds Can Help Finance an Election 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      The infographic depicts the cost of an election in comparison to selected spending decisions undertaken by the government in 2022. In 2022 the government allocated LKR 19 billion for domestically funded defence projects ...
    • Supplementary Estimate 2022: What it Entails and Its Impact on the Budget Balance 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      Supplementary Estimates are made when the government needs to spend money for which it has not received parliamentary approval. Such provisions are intended to be utilized for urgent and unforeseen expenditure. On 8th June ...
    • Sri Lanka’s Revenue to GDP Ratio Reaches Its Lowest Level Since 1959 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      Data on Sri Lanka’s revenue to GDP ratio is available from 1959 onwards. The average tax to GDP ratio from 1959 to 2021 is 16%. In 2021 the tax to GDP ratio dropped to 8%, which the lowest ratio since 1959 and is half ...
    • IMF Tracker Update: September 2023 

      Rajkulendran, Raj Prabhu (Verité Research, 2023-10)
      The purpose of this analysis is to ensure that VR’s IMF Tracker can be used more effectively to raise public awareness on the monitoring of public finance. The analysis will feed into enhancing public participation and ...
    • How has the Amended (Interim) Budget Changed Allocations for 2022? 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Team, Economics
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-10-05)
      The infographics contain the difference in allocations between the interim budget and the approved budget in 2022. Defence, health and education saw a rise in approved budget allocations compared to the interim.