Now showing items 2001-2020 of 2185

    • State-Owned Enterprise Reforms in Sri Lanka: The Way Forward 

      Knight, Malathy; Guruge, Aneesha; Cham, Maria Rowena (Manila : Asian Development Bank Institute, 2017-10)
      The authors provide a comprehensive analysis of Sri Lanka’s extensive SOE sector. The sector has witnessed episodes of nationalization and privatization and has been subject to varied degrees of competition. Yet, despite ...
    • Logistics and Services in the Sri Lankan Economy 

      Abeysinghe, Subhashini; Abeyratne, Sirimal (Manila : Asian Development Bank Institute, 2017-10)
      Authors examine the growth, performance, and policy issues of the Sri Lankan service and logistics sectors. The government has clear priorities for these sectors, building on the country’s locational advantage. The policy ...
    • Sri Lanka: Resolution 30/1 Implementation Monitor: Statistical and Analytical Review No. 5 

      Legal Team (Verité Research, 2020-02)
      Resolution 30/1 was co-sponsored in 2015. It contains 36 distinct commitments that fall into five broad thematic categories: 1. Transitional justice and reconciliation 2. Rights and rule of law 3. Security and demilitarisation ...
    • Ranjith Madduma Bandara: Crime reduction statistics 

      (, 12/18/2019)
      PARTLY TRUE: During the last four years, the rates of all forms of crime […] declined drastically […] under this government compared to the previous Rajapaksa regime. The murder rate which was 646 in 2012 has decreased to ...
    • Mahinda Rajapaksa: Women in universities 

      (, 12/20/2019)
      TRUE: Today, the percentage of women studying in universities exceeds 50 percent. - Mahinda Rajapaksa, Divaina, 2 October 2019
    • Udaya Gammanpila: Muslim population growth 

      (, 11/28/2019)
      BLATANTLY FALSE: In comparison to the 5 to 9 age group, the Sinhala population in the 0 to 4 age group has increased by 0.5%. But the Muslim population has increased by 1.4%, or threefold… When considering the trends in ...
    • Wimal Weerawansa: MCC agreement 

      (, 11/13/2019)
      FALSE: …last week, the [US] Millennium Challenge Agreement was signed in Parliament. Once signed, a special economic corridor will be built from Trincomalee to Colombo Port. - Wimal Weerawansa, Ada, 7 November 2019
    • Anura Kumara Dissanayake: Rape statistics 

      (, 11/6/2019)
      TRUE: 1,600 [young] girls are raped every year - Anura Kumara Dissanayake, Divaina, 25 October 2019
    • Gotabaya Rajapaksa: Release of military occupied land 

      (, 10/31/2019)
      FALSE: "We are the people who released 90% of the land" - Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Inaugural Press Conference, 16 October 2019
    • Ashok Abeysinghe: Health budget allocations 

      (, 10/17/2019)
      TRUE: In 2010, LKR 53.1 billion was allocated for free healthcare; in 2015, we allocated LKR 139.5 billion. In 2016, [it was] LKR 174 billion. In 2019, an amount of LKR 194.5 billion were allocated. This means that 10% of ...
    • Rishad Bathiudeen: Export Services 

      (, 10/9/2019)
      TRUE: … ICT/BPM, electronics, printing and packaging services – alone contributes to around $1.3 billion in export revenues every year. - Rishad Bathiudeen, Daily FT, 28 August 2019
    • Bandula Gunawardana: Active Liability Management Act 

      (, 9/26/2019)
      FALSE: This government passed an act to obtain annual loans from foreigners without limitations. This act was passed by misleadingly naming it the Active Liability Management Act. According to this, they can obtain any ...
    • Mavai Senathirajah: Lands released in the North 

      (, 9/11/2019)
      TRUE: 75% of the lands occupied by the security forces in the Northern Province have been released to the public. - Mavai Senathirajah, Dinamina, 16 August 2019
    • Ranil Wickremesinghe: Rajapaksa era exports 

      (, 9/5/2019)
      PARTLY TRUE: In the ten years of the Rajapaksa administration, this country’s exports fell from 30% to 18%. - Ranil Wickremesinghe, Divaina, 12 August 2019
    • Udaya Gammanpila: Powers of Executive Presidency 

      (, 9/29/2019)
      FALSE: …there has been no major change from the Presidency before the 19th Amendment to the current office of the president. Only three powers of the presidency were removed by the 19th Amendment. - Udaya Gammanpila, ...
    • Ashok Abeysinghe: Passenger transport 

      (, 8/7/2019)
      TRUE: As of now, the number of passengers travelling by train is about 400,000… In [bus] passenger transport, the private sector does about 75%, and SLTB buses do 25%. - Ashok Abeysinghe, Divaina, June 24
    • Eran Wickramaratne: Female Labour Force Participation 

      (, 10/24/2019)
      TRUE: Sri Lanka’s Labour Force Participation (LFP) was 36% for women versus 75% for men in 2016, which is the 14th largest gender gap in LFP globally. In 2016, young women have the highest unemployment rate in Sri Lanka; ...
    • More Than Schooling : Understanding Gender Differences in the Labor Market When Measures of Skill Are Available 

      Policy Research Working Paper;WPS8588
      Gunawardena, Dileni; King, Elizabeth M.; Valerio, Alexandria
      (World Bank Group, 2018-09-19)
      This paper uses measures of cognitive and noncognitive skills in an expanded definition of human capital to examine how schooling and skills differ between men and women and how those differences relate to gender gaps in ...
    • Maithripala Sirisena: SOE losses 

      (, 7/24/2019)
      TRUE: The Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) and Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) incur losses in the tens of millions [of rupees] per day. - Maithripala Sirisena, Divaina, 4 June 2019
    • Ranjith Madduma Bandara: Drowning statistics 

      (, 7/25/2019)
      About 800 deaths due to drowning are reported annually.