Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Parliament Summary - March 2023
(, 2023-04-07)
This infographic includes the summary of parliament in March 2023. There were 8 parliament sittings in March 2023. During the 8 parliament sittings, 78 written questions were asked but only 27 questions were answered. There ...
Parliament Summary - August 2023
(, 2023-10-04)
This infographic includes the summary of parliament in August 2023. There were 8 parliament sittings in August 2023. During the 8 parliament sittings, 78 written questions were asked but only 54 questions were answered. ...
Parliament Summary - February 2023
(, 2023-03-12)
This infographic includes the summary of Parliament in February 2023. There were 7 parliament sittings in February 2023. During the 7 parliament sittings, no written questions were asked. There were 2 Adjournment motions ...
Parliament Summary - September 2023
(, 2023-10-08)
This infographic includes the summary of parliament in September 2023. There were 8 parliament sittings in September 2023. During the 8 parliament sittings, 74 written questions were asked but only 29 questions were answered. ...
What next?
(, 2022-07-13)
This set of infographics explain what will happen if President Rajapaksa does in fact resign on the 13th of July 2022 and the steps involved in electing a new president.
Parliament Summary – May 2022
(, 2022-09-17)
This parliament summary for May 2022 provides following details: number of parliament sittings (7), adjournment motion (1) and most contributed MP (Shanakiyan Rasamanickam) to it, Speaker’s announcements (8), Bills – tabled ...
Parliament Summary – October 2022
(, 2022-11-15)
This parliament summary for October 2022 provides following details: number of parliament sittings (9), written questions asked (128) and answered (103), adjournment motion (0), motion at adjournment time (1), Speaker’s ...
Parliament prorogation
(, 2022-07-21)
This set of infographics explain what a prorogation is, what happens when parliament is prorogued, and past prorogations in parliament. Since 1947 parliament has been prorogued 52 times and since the second republican ...
Parliament Summary - January 2023
(, 2023-02-10)
This infographic includes the summary of parliament in January 2023. There were 5 parliament sittings in January 2023. During the 5 parliament sittings, 50 written questions were asked but only 8 questions were answered. ...
Budget process
(, 2022-11-15)
This set of infographics explain the process of budget from the preparation stage to its implementation stage i.e. Preparation and Cabinet approval, Approval phase – 1st and 2nd reading, Committee stage – 3rd reading, ...