Parliament Summary - January 2023
This infographic includes the summary of parliament in January 2023. There were 5 parliament sittings in January 2023. During the 5 parliament sittings, 50 written questions were asked but only 8 questions were answered. There were 3 motions at the adjournment time. Mahinda Amaraweera was the most contributed MP for the motions at the adjournment time. 9 announcements were made by the Speaker during the 5 parliament sittings. The number of Bills, Regulations and Orders were 5, 2 and 0 respectively. Under Private Member's Bills, there were no Incorporation Bills whereas 1 Bill for the Public interest. There were 4 questions by the Private notice at the parliament in January 2023. 21 Point of orders were raised in total, and all 21 point of orders were ruled as technical point of orders. Therefore, no disruptive point of orders in the parliament during this month. 7 statements were considered as expunged statements at the Parliament in January 2023.
This infographic is available in English, Sinhala and Tamil.
- Infographics - PRT [633]