Now showing items 54-73 of 163

    • The IDC is Advocating for more Accountability from Private Lenders to Ease the Debt Burden of Developing Nations 

      Econ Team (Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-03-15)
      The International Development Committee is advocating for mandatory participation of private creditors in debt relief schemes for impoverished nations. Developing nations have accrued higher debts than before to private ...
    • IMD Programme: Performance Evaluation - April 2024 - 30% of Commitments Not Met 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      By the end of April 2024, Sri Lanka has not met 30% of its due commitments, which translates to a total of 19 unfulfilled obligations. The majority of these unmet commitments pertain to enhancing transparency and enacting ...
    • IMF Programme Progress 

      Econ Team (Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-05-18)
      The infographic covers three points; 1) the IMF analysis projects a decline in Sri Lankas debt to GDP; 2) effective interests rates to decline; and 3) progress on IMF commitments.
    • IMF Programme: Performance Evaluation - August 2023 

      Rajakulendran, Raj Prabu (Colombo: Verité Research, 2023-08)
      The purpose of this analysis is to ensure that VR’s IMF Tracker can be used more effectively to raise public awareness about monitoring of public finance, and to increase its use by CSOs to monitor progress. The analysis ...
    • IMF Programme: Performance Evaluation - August 2023 - Sri Lanka Met 38 Commitments and Failed 8 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-09-15)
      According to the August analysis by Verité Research, Sri Lanka has so far met 38% of IMF commitments, while 11% of the commitments are unknown, 8% are not met and 43% are pending.
    • IMF Programme: Performance Evaluation - December 2023 

      Econ Team (2024-01)
      The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has published its evaluation of Sri Lanka’s performance in the first phase or ‘first term’ of the ongoing Extended Fund Facility (EFF) programme, which commenced in March 2023. Verité ...
    • IMF Programme: Performance Evaluation - February 2024 

      Econ Team (Colombo: Verite Research, 2024-03)
      Sri Lanka verifiably failed to meet 33% of the commitments due by end-February 2024 in its International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme, according to the February update of Verité Research’s ‘IMF Tracker’. Many of these ...
    • IMF Programme: Performance Evaluation - July 2023 

      Rajakulendran, Raj Prabu (Colombo: Verité Research, 2023-07)
      The purpose of this analysis is to ensure that VR’s IMF Tracker can be used more effectively to raise public awareness about monitoring of public finance, and to increase its use by CSOs to monitor progress. The analysis ...
    • IMF Programme: Performance Evaluation - June 2023 

      Rajakulendran, Raj Prabu (Colombo: Verité Research, 2023-06)
      The purpose of this analysis is to ensure that VR’s IMF Tracker can be used more effectively to raise public awareness about monitoring of public finance, and to increase its use by CSOs to monitor progress. The analysis ...
    • IMF Programme: Performance Evaluation - May 2023 

      Rajakulendran, Raj Prabu (Verite Research, 2023-06-19)
      The purpose of this analysis is to ensure that VR’s IMF Tracker can be used more effectively to raise public awareness about monitoring of public finance, and to increase its use by CSOs to monitor progress. The analysis ...
    • IMF Programme: Performance Evaluation - September 2023 

      Rajkulendran, Raj Prabhu (Verité Research, 2023-10)
      The purpose of this analysis is to ensure that VR’s IMF Tracker can be used more effectively to raise public awareness on the monitoring of public finance. The analysis will feed into enhancing public participation and ...
    • IMF Programme: Performance Evaluation - September 2023 - Transparency Falls to Lowest Point 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-10-19)
      The latest update from 'IMF Tracker’ of Verité Research, an online platform which tracks the 100 identified commitments in Sri Lanka’s 17th programme with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), shows that Sri Lanka verifiably ...
    • Infrastructure Watch 2023: Infographics 

      Pabasara, Chathuni (Colombo: Verité Research, 2023-09-06)
      Section 9 of the RTI Act No. 12 of 2016 mandates the Minister responsible for an infrastructure project to must disclose project information. In 2022, Verité Research assessed government compliance with the RTI Act's ...
    • Interest Costs Have Been Eating Up Revenue 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verité Research, 2024)
      In 2023, for the first time in history, the government spent 9% of its GDP on interest payments, which took up 80% of the government revenue. A high interest-to-revenue ratio can be severely detrimental to a country's ...
    • Interest payments weigh heaviest in 2022! 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-07-24)
      The central bank's annual report for 2022 reveals that interest payments have reached their highest level. This increase in interest payments suggests a significant debt burden on the government. The ratio of interest ...
    • Interim Budget or Secret Budget? 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-08-03)
      The Ministry of Defense was specified as an implementing agency for two reasons. 1) to establish STEM focused branch campuses. STEM refers to approach of learning that integrates the areas of science, technology, engineering ...
    • Interim Budget or Secret Budget? 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-08-03)
      24 expenditure proposals and 5 regulatory proposals were tracked in this assessment. Expenditure proposals refer to those proposals that involve capital expenditure by the government distributed across ministries etc. ...
    • International Women's Day 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-03-08)
      In Sri Lanka women are half as likely to enter the labour market, and twice as likely to be unemployed than men. 82% of the unemployment for women comes from between the ages of 20 and 40. This is almost seven times the ...
    • Is Maldives going down Sri Lanka's path?: Concern on Budget Deficits 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-08-16)
      Besides 2017 and 2018, Sri Lanka’s annual Primary Balance has consistently been a deficit with 2021 reporting the largest deficit of 6 percent. Maldives follows a consecutive negative trend in their Primary Balance with ...
    • Is Maldives going down Sri Lanka's path?: Maldives is increasingly finding it difficult to cover recurrent expenditure 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-08-17)
      Since 1983, Sri Lanka has faced the continuous challenge of its revenue falling short of covering recurrent expenditure. Subsequently, when looking at Maldives’s fiscal performance it seems to echo Sri Lanka’s trajectory. ...