Now showing items 1-5 of 5
ඉලෙක්ට්රොනික අත්සන් සහිත ඉලෙක්ට්රොනික ලේඛන පිළිගැනීම: රජයක් තබනා කෙටි පියවරක්, රටක් පනිනා යෝධ පිම්මක් = Accepting e-documents with e-signatures: A small step for government, a giant leap for the country
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2017-02)
The room for exporters to improve their competitiveness by reducing time to export is significantly constrained by the procedures and processing time imposed by Sri Lankan border agencies. Sri Lanka can improve the ...
Accepting e-documents with e-signatures: A small step for government, a giant leap for the country
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2017-02)
The room for exporters to improve their competitiveness by reducing time to export is significantly constrained by the procedures and processing time imposed by Sri Lankan border agencies. Sri Lanka can improve the ...
Facilitating the Registration of Trademarks: A Step towards Creating Internationally Recognised Sri Lankan Brands
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2017-02)
The Madrid Protocol is a simplified global system for registering trademarks abroad. It eases trademark registration abroad for Sri Lankan businesses. Sri Lanka was looking to complete accession to the Madrid Protocol by ...
Opening up Trade Data: The Benefits to Sri Lanka
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2020-06)
International trade data are the foundational basis when formulating trade policies and assessing their impacts. Trade data is vital for firms engaging in international trade to make sound business decisions. Unfortunately, ...
Sri Lanka Falls Behind Least Developed Countries in Trade Facilitation: Here are Three Steps it Can Take to Reverse This Trend
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-07)
This note compares progress made by Sri Lanka against its regional competitors, other developing and least developed countries in facilitating trade by making import and export procedures of the country efficient, less ...