Now showing items 1921-1940 of 2185

    • Rajitha Senaratne: COVID-19 testing statistics 

      (, 5/20/2020)
      PARTLY TRUE: [The number in Sri Lanka considered to have contracted Covid-19] is determined only by the number of people that have been tested for the virus. Symptoms of Covid-19 appear only in 15% [of the infected]. Others ...
    • Udaya Gammanpila: Presidential Immunity 

      (, 5/13/2020)
      FALSE: “…Even if [former President Sirisena] has committed a crime, he cannot be prosecuted as he enjoys immunity in terms of Article 35(1) of the Constitution… No law has stripped Presidential immunity against criminal ...
    • Sajith Premadasa: Fuel pricing 

      (, 5/6/2020)
      PARTLY TRUE: A litre of diesel is sold at Rs. 104 and this can be reduced to Rs. 61. A litre of 92 octane petrol is Rs. 137; it can be priced at Rs. 80. - Sajith Premadasa, The Island, 11 March 2020
    • Sajith Premadasa: Income inequality 

      (, 10/3/2019)
      FALSE: While the richest 20 per cent enjoy 54 per cent of the national income, the poorest 20 per cent of the country enjoys only 4 percent of it. - Sajith Premadasa, Lankadeepa, 9 July 2019
    • GMOA: COVID-19 Statistics 

      (, 4/2/2020)
      FALSE: “We are in a worst situation compared to Italy at the end of the first 7 days (from 1st Local Case). Peak of the COVID-19 in Sri Lanka can be expected during New Year Season if we do not take more aggressive decisions ...
    • Patali Champika Ranawaka: Yahapalanaya revenue increase 

      (, 4/29/2020)
      PARTLY TRUE: When the Yahapalana government came into power, state revenue was LKR 1.05 trillion. Our government doubled this income to LKR 2.1 trillion within 5 years. - Patali Champika Ranawaka, Lankadeepa, 6 February 2020
    • Siripala Gamlath: UNHRC Resolution 

      (, 3/19/2020)
      FALSE: The other dangerous consequence of co-sponsoring [UNHRC Resolution 30/1] is that this country’s ‘war heroes’ can be taken before an international court at any instance. - Siripala Gamlath, Divaina, Aruna, 25 February 2020
    • Kanchana Wijesekera: Forensic Audit Report 

      (, 3/5/2020)
      FALSE: "Around 96 percent of the Rs.10,000 million ‘loss’ highlighted by the Forensic Audit Report into Bond transactions from the period 2005-2015 actually went to several government institutions which benefitted immensely. ...
    • Restricting the Sale of Liquor to Women: The Public Debate is Misinformed 

      Legal Team (Verité Research, 2018-09)
      The submission includes a draft brief published by the legal team on the liquor ban imposed on women in Sri Lanka, titled “Restricting the Sale of Liquor to Women: The Public Debate is Misinformed”. On 10 January 2018, ...
    • Brief - The Cabinet Decision to Ban Women from Purchasing Liquor is Unconstitutional 

      Legal Team (Verité Research, 2018-09)
      The submission includes a draft brief on “The Cabinet Decision to Ban Women from Purchasing Liquor is Unconstitutional”. Women are permitted to purchase liquor. On 10 January 2018, the Minister of Finance and Mass Media ...
    • Budget allocation: Telecommunication 

      Team, Manthri (, 2017-02-15)
      This infographic depicts the percentage allocated for the Telecommunication in the Budget 2017 and the extent to which this topic have been discussed in Parliament..
    • Budget allocation: Public Enterprises 

      Team, Manthri (, 2017-02-15)
      This infographic depicts the percentage allocated for the Public Enterprises in the Budget 2017 and the extent to which this topic have been discussed in Parliament.
    • Budget allocation: Ports and Shipping 

      Team, Manthri (, 2017-02-15)
      This infographic depicts the percentage allocated for the Ports & Shipping in the Budget 2017 and the extent to which this topic have been discussed in Parliament.
    • Presidential Election 2019: Know Your Candidates 

      Team, Manthri (, 2019)
      An infographic consisting of names and photographs of all the candidates of Presidential election 2019 of Sri Lanka and information about their nomination, whether they were nominated by a political party or as an independent ...
    • Candidates of 2019 Presidential Election 2019 that have contested in at least one past Presidential Election 

      Team, Manthri (, 2019)
      An analysis of the candidates of presidential election 2019 of Sri Lanka on who have contested in past presidential elections.
    • Presidential Election 2019: Professional background of some candidates as per available information 

      Team, Manthri (, 2019)
      An analysis of the professional backgrounds of some of the candidates of Presidential Election 2019 of Sri Lanka based on available information.
    • Presidential Election 2019: Age of the Candidates 

      Team, Manthri (, 2019)
      An analysis of age of candidates of Presidential election 2019 of Sri Lanka.
    • Budget allocation: Finance 

      Team, Manthri (, 2017-02-15)
      This infographic depicts the percentage allocated for the Finance in the Budget 2017 and the extent to which this topic have been discussed in Parliament.
    • Budget allocation: Local Governance 

      Team, Manthri (, 2016-12-05)
      This infographic depicts the percentage allocated for the Local Governance in the Budget 2017 and the extent to which this topic have been discussed in Parliament..
    • MP Voting Record on Key Legislation: Trincomalee District MPs 

      Team, Manthri (, 2015-08-04)
      This infographic depictsTrincomalee District MPs voting record on 18th Amendment, CJ Impeachment, Casino and 19th Amendment.