Browsing Infographics by Subject "Development aid - IMF facility"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
China Endorses Sri Lanka Debt Plan
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-03-09)China has given its approval to Sri Lanka's plan to restructure its international debt, clearing the path for a loan via the IMF's Extended Fund Facility (EFF). -
IMD Programme: Performance Evaluation - April 2024 - 30% of Commitments Not Met
(2024-05-16)By the end of April 2024, Sri Lanka has not met 30% of its due commitments, which translates to a total of 19 unfulfilled obligations. The majority of these unmet commitments pertain to enhancing transparency and enacting ... -
IMF Programme Progress
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-05-18)The infographic covers three points; 1) the IMF analysis projects a decline in Sri Lankas debt to GDP; 2) effective interests rates to decline; and 3) progress on IMF commitments. -
IMF Programme: Performance Evaluation - August 2023 - Sri Lanka Met 38 Commitments and Failed 8
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-09-15)According to the August analysis by Verité Research, Sri Lanka has so far met 38% of IMF commitments, while 11% of the commitments are unknown, 8% are not met and 43% are pending. -
IMF Programme: Performance Evaluation - December 2023
(2024-01)The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has published its evaluation of Sri Lanka’s performance in the first phase or ‘first term’ of the ongoing Extended Fund Facility (EFF) programme, which commenced in March 2023. Verité ... -
IMF Programme: Performance Evaluation - February 2024
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2024-03)Sri Lanka verifiably failed to meet 33% of the commitments due by end-February 2024 in its International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme, according to the February update of Verité Research’s ‘IMF Tracker’. Many of these ... -
IMF Programme: Performance Evaluation - September 2023
(Verité Research, 2023-10)The purpose of this analysis is to ensure that VR’s IMF Tracker can be used more effectively to raise public awareness on the monitoring of public finance. The analysis will feed into enhancing public participation and ... -
IMF Programme: Performance Evaluation - September 2023 - Transparency Falls to Lowest Point
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-10-19)The latest update from 'IMF Tracker’ of Verité Research, an online platform which tracks the 100 identified commitments in Sri Lanka’s 17th programme with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), shows that Sri Lanka verifiably ... -
Sri Lanka’s IMF Programme Was Supposed To Succeed by Improving Governance. Will It?
(2024-06)On June 12, the IMF board will sign off on Sri Lanka’s third disbursement under the current programme. But Sri Lanka is still failing on the governance improvements that are foundational for its economic recovery. According ...