Now showing items 1-10 of 30
Good Governance is Not Just for Politicians: Case for cigarette taxation=යහපාලනය දේශපාලකයන් සඳහා පමණක් නොවෙයි; දුම්වැටි බදුකරණයට නතු කිරීම
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2015-04-22)
The Excise taxes on products such as cigarettes and alcohol are a significant source of government revenue. Understanding how these taxes should be adjusted in keeping with price increases and being diligent in implementing ...
More of the Same: Budget 2016 increases protection and dependence on trade taxes
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2015-12-08)
Sri Lanka was amongst the early movers in trade and economic liberalisation in South Asia. However, this initiative was somewhat backtracked upon in the past 10 years. This insight points out that, despite the claims, the ...
Sri Lanka Losing Ground in Investment and Trade Freedoms
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2015-09-29)
This Insight shows two worrying trends in the Trade and Investment Freedoms of Sri Lanka, using the 2015 Index of Global Economic Freedom to derive the analysis. First is that although the country’s Investment and Trade ...
Strengthening Parliament Critical for Credible Budgets
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2014-12)
Sri Lanka’s budgets show considerable variation between publicly declared budget allocations and actual expenditure on line items. This gap can create a credibility problem. There is a specific section in Sri Lankan laws ...
Sri Lanka’s Tourism: Competing with the region
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2015-05-20)
This Insight looks at a different dimension of the problem of growing tourism in Sri Lanka using the World Economic Forum’s Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) to derive the analysis. This global index assesses ...
Economics of the broken window is applicable to corruption
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2015-03-04)
The Sirisena presidency and the UNP that championed it have been endorsed by the ballot with the hope that they will take action against the rampant corruption that was felt to be hurting the public welfare under the ...
Sri Lanka’s Trade Liberalisation: What you see is NOT what you get
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2014-01-08)
Sri Lanka’s 2014 Budget claims a continuous commitment by the government to maintain a liberal, consistent and simple trade regime. The budget speech puts it this way: “A four band tariff structure presently in place is ...
Export Competitiveness: Moving from USA towards Asia
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2015-05-06)
Over 50 percent of Sri Lanka’s exports go to the USA and the West. While Sri Lanka’s total exports remain tilted towards the USA and the West, growth is tilting to the East, and more towards Asia. The consequence of the ...
Policy Needed on Environment: REDD+ is a plus
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2014-03-14)
The prime minister of Sri Lanka made a policy statement on 5th November 2013 to indicate the future priorities of the new government. It had over 70 inspirational statements indicating a wide array of issues and subjects ...
‘Cess’ – End the Deception and Build ‘Street Lights’
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2013-11-27)
In Sri Lanka, ‘Cess’ is the name given to a special tax imposed on sales, where the revenue is earmarked for a specific fund with a particular economic purpose. This article discusses how the government has stymied export ...