Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Ajith Nivard Cabraal: All Party Convention statement 

      (, 4/28/2022)
      FALSE: During 2015-2019, Sri Lanka’s economic growth had collapsed gradually from 7% to 2%. Although foreign debt increased by USD 15 billion, foreign reserves had reduced by USD 1 billion. – Ajith Nivard Cabraal,, ...
    • Gotabaya Rajapaksa: International Sovereign Bonds 

      ( , 6/26/2022)
      PARTLY TRUE: Every month we have to repay the loans that previous governments had obtained for various reasons. On ISBs, by 2015, we had only taken out USD 5 billion worth of them. During the time of the previous government, ...
    • Ruwan Wijewardene: Debt increase 

      (, 7/28/2022)
      TRUE: Some people in the present government say that the country has come to this situation because we [yahapalana government] took loans. 80% of the loans we took were used for settling the loans obtained by Mahinda ...