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Now showing items 1485-1504 of 2405
Womens Day Interview with DailyMirror - 8 March 2023
(Colombo: Daily Mirror, 2023-03-08)In this interview, Senior Research analyst Sumini Siyambalapitiya talks about her research on women's economic empowerment, citing findings of the research: Costs of Doing a Job for Urban women in Sri Lanka -
World Environment Day 2023
(, 2023-06-05)This infographic shows ranking of the topic out of the 15 topics monitored (8/15), the percentage of the total time spent on the topic (4.7%), number of MPs who contributed to the topic (158) and the top 5 contributing MPs ... -
World Environment Day 2024: Does the Parliament Spend Enough Time Discussing the Environment
(, 2024-06-05)This infographic shows the ranking of the topic out of the 15 topics monitored (8/15), the percentage of total time spent on the topic (4.7%), the number of MPs who contributed to the topic (186), and the top 5 contributing ... -
World Health Day 2023
(, 2023-04-07)This infographic shows ranking of the topic out of the 15 topics monitored (4/15), the percentage of the total time spent on the topic (5.5%), number of MPs who contributed to the topic (158), allotted expenditure under ... -
World Labour Day 2023
(, 2023-05-04)This infographic shows ranking of the topic out of the 15 topics monitored (11/15), the percentage of the total time spent on the topic (2.9%), number of MPs who contributed to the topic (135), and the top 5 contributing ... -
World Press Freedom Day
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2021-05-03)This infographic depicts SL's rank/position in the World Press Freedom index. -
World Press Freedom Day 2023
(, 2023-05-05)This infographic shows ranking of the topic out of the 65 subtopics monitored (40/65), the percentage of the total time spent on the topic (0.6%), number of MPs who contributed to the topic (46), and the top 5 contributing ... -
World Water Day 2023 - Water Supply and Drainage: Top Contributing MPS
(, 2023-03-21)This infographic shows the percentage of the total time spent on the topic (1.2%), and top contributing MPs to the topic and the productive time spent by individual MPs on this topic as a percentage of total time spent on ... -
World Youth Day 2023
(, 2023-08-13)This infographic shows ranking of the topic out of the 65 sub - topics monitored (63/65), the percentage of the total time spent on the topic (0.1%), number of MPs who contributed to the topic (10) and the top 5 contributing ... -
Zoned Out: Export Ambitions Hindered by Land Limitations
(Colombo: Daily Mirror, 2023-10-12)The experiences of East Asian and Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand, show that foreign direct investment (FDI) into export-oriented sectors is critical to accelerate growth in manufactured ... -
வரவு செலவுத் திட்ட வெளிப்படைத்தன்மை - 125 நாடுகளில் இலங்கை 80 வது இடத்தில் உள்ளது
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2024-07-31)The Open Budget Survey (OBS) is the world’s only independent, comparative, and fact-based research instrument that uses internationally accepted criteria to assess public access to central government budget information, ... -
(අ)පක්ෂපාතී සිරස්තලයක්?
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-02-22)In the month of February, an article published in Sunday Aruna used a prejudicial and judgmental heading that views the "Jehovah" community in negative light based on their beliefs and practices. -
(අ)සංවේදී සිරස්තල සහ වාර්තාකරණ?
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2022-09)During the month of September 2022, Sunday Aruna reported of a woman abandoning a baby by calling her a demon (‘Mohini’), which is insensitive reporting. Additionally, Hiru TV also reported of a murder while questioning ... -
අකැප ඇඳුම් හා අකැප ආහාර?
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-03-31)In the month of March 2022, Divaina published an article about a woman who offered food to the theras at a temple. It criticised the woman, saying that her attire was inappropriate. This amounts to unethical media behaviour, ... -
අගතිකාරී ආකල්ප සහ වාර්ගිකත්වය
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2021-12-09)In the month of November 2021, an article published in Sunday Aruna highlighted the ethnicity of a woman as "Tamil" and promoted social prejudices surrounding skin colour by describing her physical appearance and skin colour. -
අගතිගාමී සිරස්තල
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2020-08-19)Article from August, 2020 mentioned headline as "Corona Student" but in the content of the article, person were appropriately described as "student who contracted COVID19. -
අගතිගාමී සිරස්තල
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2020-08-10)Several articles from August, 2020 mentioned headlines as "Corona mothers" but some articles these persons were appropriately described as "mothers who contracted COVID19. -
අගතිගාමී සිරස්තල
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2020-08-05)During August, 2020 article published in Lankadeepa mentioned headlines mentioned "Corona mothers" and some articles these persons were appropriately described as "mothers who contracted #COVID19" -
අගතියට පත් වූ අය හට වරද පැටවීමක්?
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2023-08-08)On the 6 August 2023 article published in Sunday Aruna used the term "රූමත්" (Rumath) to highlight physical appearance where it was irrelevant and blamed the murder victims, stating they lacked a good character certificate. -
අගමැතිවරයා සහ චීන හිටපු විදෙස් කටයුතු ඇමතිවරයාගේ ඡායාරූප: සදොස් ඡායාරූප සහ නිවැරදිකිරීම්
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2020-10)An edited and false photograph of our prime minister and the former minister of foreign affairs of China by the Tamil newspaper Virakesari and the Daily FT on 11th and 10th of October 2020 respectively. But DailyFT apologised ...