Now showing items 486-505 of 2193

    • Harsha de Silva: Real Returns on EPF;P0082
      (, 9/29/2023)
      TRUE: […] In the [EPF] Act itself it specifies 2.5% return. […] at the time inflation was at around 1 percent, if you look at 5 years prior to 1958, the average would have been 1 percent. […] Over the years, some years ...
    • Harshana Rajakaruna: MPs not speaking in Parliament 

      (, 3/28/2019)
      TRUE: As a whole, 95% of MPs have spoken [in parliament in 2018]. It is only 5% who haven't spoken. - Harshana Rajakaruna, Silumina, 3 March 2019
    • The Hidden Side of Cigarette Pricing 

      Verité Insights;Vol. 05; No. 02
      Fernando, Nilangika; Munas, Hasna
      (Colombo: Verité Research, 2018-07)
      This insight examines how analysis of past tax and price data reveals two aspects of cigarette pricing that are hidden from media reporting. First, net-of-tax price grew at a faster rate than the tax per cigarette; second, ...
    • Highlights from the Appropriation Bill for 2023 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-11-02)
      The Appropriation Bill for 2023 was presented to Parliament on the 18th of October, ahead of the budget speech in November. The Appropriation Bill shows that there is a 26% increase in expenditure planned for 2023, while ...
    • Highlights from the Appropriation Bill for 2024 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-10-06)
      The Appropriation Bill shows that there is a 12% increase in expenditure planned for 2024. Interest payments alone remain more than one-third of total spending in 2024, reflecting an increase of 20% from 2023.
    • Hill Country Tamils of Sri Lanka: Analysis of Legal and Policy issues affecting labour and governance structure 

      Legal Team (Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-02)
      This report examines the socio-economic background and history of the Hill Country Tamil community (HCT) with a focus on health, education, labour and their primary engagement in the tea plantation industry. Thereafter, ...
    • Hill Country Tamils of Sri Lanka: Towards Meaningful Citizenship 

      Mohammed, Rehana; Razick, Sakeena; Dias, Rashmi; de Chickera, Amal; Gunatilleke, Gehan (Verité Research, 2019-08)
      The status of the Hill Country Tamils in Sri Lanka demonstrates that granting formal citizenship to stateless communities alone is inadequate in addressing the structural discrim-ination and historical marginalisation ...
    • How Committed was the Sri Lankan Government to Implementing its Crisis-Response Policies 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-03-17)
      This set of infographics depict the government's response to the economic crisis in Sri Lanka. 15 cabinet decisions and parliamentary proposals were tracked that focused on health, agriculture and fuel. Of the total, ...
    • How did Sri Lanka Finance Government Expenditure in 2022? 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-05-15)
      Total government expenditure for the year 2022 amounted to LKR 4,472 billion. Out of which total revenue and grants could only cover 45% of spending while the remaining 55% was financed via borrowings.
    • How did the government finance its expenditures in 2021? 

      Ishini, Randeniya (Verité Research, 2022-07-06)
      The infographics provides details on government expenditure and the ways in which it was financed in 2021.​
    • How did the Sinhala and Tamil press front page headings capture the recent tensions on 14 May 2019? 

      Divide Frontpage;
      Media Team
      (Colombo: Veritè Research, 5/14/2019)
      Difference between headlines of Sinhala and Tamil press. Main headline - Sinhala - Islandwide curfew following tensions in Kuliyapitiya, Bingiriya, Hettipola (Lankadeepa. Ada, Mawbima, Divaina, Resa, Dinamina) Main headline ...
    • How Does the Budged Process Work 

      Team, Manthri (, 2017-02-15)
      this infographic depicts the process of passing the budget.
    • How has the Amended (Interim) Budget Changed Allocations for 2022? 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Team, Economics
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-10-05)
      The infographics contain the difference in allocations between the interim budget and the approved budget in 2022. Defence, health and education saw a rise in approved budget allocations compared to the interim.
    • How have successive governments in Sri Lanka progressed on key commitments? 

      Statistical and Analytical Review;No. 9
      Legal Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-08)
      Caption: How have successive governments in Sri Lanka progressed on key commitments under #UNHRC Resolution 30/1?
    • How Long Did Sri Lanka Take to Secure its Board Level Agreement 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-03-21)
      Sri Lanka's debt restructuring process has been a topic of concern for many, with delays in reaching an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) causing worry among investors and policymakers alike. In this ...
    • How MPs voted on the 19th and 20th amendments 

      Parliamentary Research Team (, 2022-04-12)
      The 19th amendment to the constitution dilutes the executive powers of the President while 20th amendment enhances the same. 19th amendment was passed with 214 votes in favour during the 7th parliament and 20th amendment ...
    • How much Does Sri Lanka Allocate for the Defense Sector ? 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      (Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-02-03)
      The allocation for the Ministry of Defense is significantly higher than the allocation for Ministry of Health over the years in Sri Lanka. Over the last two years allocation for Ministry Defense has been more than doubled. ...
    • How Numbers Can Mislead: Does Retaining the Limit to The Appointment of Cabinet and Other Ministers Solve Administrative Inefficiency? 

      Raji, Yasmin (2021-01)
      This article discusses how, besides the obvious financial costs borne by having to maintain large cabinets, the focus on cabinet size alone in constitutional amendments proposed and passed conceals other problematic aspects ...
    • How young is the newly appointed Cabinet? 

      Parliamentary Research Team (, 2022-04-19)
      These infographics show the age groups of the newly appointed cabinet ministers in the 9th parliament. There are 7 ministers in the age group of 30-50 years and 6 ministers in age group of 50-60 years. There are 6 ministers ...
    • Hybrid courts (un)wanted 

      Media Team
      (Colombo: Veritè Research, 3/5/2019)
      The entry contains writeups in Sinhala, Tamil and English on the press coverage pertaining to the hybrid court system suggested by the UNHRC. The entry also contains six newspaper excerpts regarding the issue.