Now showing items 1071-1090 of 2214

    • Ranil Wickremesinghe: Election costs 

      (  , 6/30/2022)
      BLATANTLY FALSE: You cannot go for elections now. The economy is getting really bad. We have to stabilise the economy. The cost of the last election was Rs.10 billion. It will cost Rs.20 billion this time. A candidate will ...
    • Ranil Wickremesinghe: Government Revenue 

      (, 11/6/2020)
      FALSE: "When I was the Prime Minister, the government revenue was LKR 150,000 million. The revenue last month was LKR 50,000 million. LKR 90,000 million is needed to pay the salaries and pensions of the public servants." ...
    • Ranil Wickremesinghe: Income Tax Files;P0062
      ( , 3/9/2023)
      TRUE: In 2019, there were 1.5 million income tax files in total…when we abolished the PAYE tax, in December 2021, we [only] had 400,000 income tax files. It reduced from 1.5 million to 400,000. Ranil Wickremesinghe, ...
    • Ranil Wickremesinghe: Inflation;P0072
      (, 7/7/2023)
      PARTLY TRUE: Inflation, which had skyrocketed to 70 percent, has now decreased to 25.2 percent, lightening the burden of daily life for all of us. Ranil Wickremesinghe, Presidential Secretariat of Sri Lanka, 1 June 2023
    • Ranil Wickremesinghe: Money printing;P0087
      (, 11/9/2023)
      TRUE: We put the Central Bank there [in charge] without meddling in it. Henceforth, according to the law, we won’t be able to print money. We have lost our ability to borrow (obtain loans) from the Bank of Ceylon and the ...
    • Ranil Wickremesinghe: Penal code on foreign terrorist organizations 

      (, 5/2/2019)
      FALSE: “To take part in a foreign armed uprising is not an offence here…. there is no law to prevent you from that." - Ranil Wickremesinghe, Interview with SkyNews, 26 April 2019
    • Ranil Wickremesinghe: Rajapaksa era exports 

      (, 9/5/2019)
      PARTLY TRUE: In the ten years of the Rajapaksa administration, this country’s exports fell from 30% to 18%. - Ranil Wickremesinghe, Divaina, 12 August 2019
    • Ranjit Siyabalapitiya: Fiscal Position ;E1644
      ( , 2/2/2023)
      FALSE: In 2022, the government’s revenue and expenditure difference were as high as 256% or Rs. 3,058 billion. [In 2023] The government expect the revenue to be Rs. 3.45 trillion, while the expenditure will go up to Rs. ...
    • Ranjith Madduma Bandara: Crime reduction statistics 

      (, 12/18/2019)
      PARTLY TRUE: During the last four years, the rates of all forms of crime […] declined drastically […] under this government compared to the previous Rajapaksa regime. The murder rate which was 646 in 2012 has decreased to ...
    • Ranjith Madduma Bandara: Drowning statistics 

      (, 7/25/2019)
      About 800 deaths due to drowning are reported annually.
    • Ranjith Siyabalapitiya: Fiscal stability;P0074
      (, 6/15/2023)
      PARTLY TRUE: …we are coming step by step towards fiscal stability. Even the IMF calculated that for this first quarter, our primary account balance will be negative by Rs. 56 billion. But we have brought this quarter…to a ...
    • Ranjith Siyabalapitiya: On tax paying labour force;E1665
      (, 3/16/2023)
      FALSE: "Only 120,965 persons or 2.6 percent of the labour force, who are earning over Rs.100,000 per month, are subjected to the PAYE tax." Ranjith Siyabalapitiya, Daily Mirror, 11 February 2023
    • Ranjith Siyabalapitiya: Vehicle imports;P0074
      (, 7/20/2023)
      TRUE: ...within that period [2015-2020], we have brought 2,498,714 vehicles...worth Rs. 1,331.51 billion...We have taxed [them to the value of] 991.12 billion. Ranjith Siyambalapitiya, YouTube Page of Parliament of Sri ...
    • Ranjith Siyambalapitiya: Casino taxes;P0083
      (, 10/5/2023)
      PARTLY TRUE: […] Effective April 1, 2023, we hope to impose a fee of USD 50 on every Sri Lankan who enters such a place of business of gaming. This law was in place since 2015. From 2015, the stated law was to charge USD ...
    • Ranjith Siyambalapitiya: Import Shortage ;P0060
      ( , 2/23/2023)
      FALSE: …It is because this step was taken [ban imports on certain items] that essential items such as fuel, medicine and fertiliser can be imported without any shortages… Ranjith Siyabalapitiya, Newswire, 26 January 2023
    • Ranjith Siyambalapitiya: Pensions and Aswesuma;P0096
      (, 2024-02-08)
      TRUE: [A group of] 4 million are watching the government expectantly. 2 million out of that are government employees and pensioners who are expecting an increase in salaries and the other 2 million are those who have been ...
    • A Rational Method for Cabinet Formation in Sri Lanka: A White Paper 

      Verité Research (Colombo: Verité Research, 2020-08)
      Ministries are the overarching bodies that house relevant government bodies such as departments and authorities in charge of a particular subject area. They are responsible for the formulation and approval of national level ...
    • Rauff Hakeem: Governance and Economic Crimes;P0076
      (, 8/3/2023)
      PARTLY TRUE: Come September, we will be the first Asian country to be subjected to IMF review of governance diagnostic. [...] In the meantime, even in the Geneva Resolution against Sri Lanka, they spoke about the need to ...
    • Reallocation of Funds Can Help Finance an Election 

      Public Finance Infographics;
      Econ Team
      The infographic depicts the cost of an election in comparison to selected spending decisions undertaken by the government in 2022. In 2022 the government allocated LKR 19 billion for domestically funded defence projects ...
    • A recap of parliamentary attendance - August 2020 to February 2023 

      Parliamentary Research Team (, 2023-05-12)
      This infographic shows parliamentary attendance between August 2020 and February 2023, marking 2.5 years since the inaugural meeting of the 9th Parliament. Throughout this period, 243 parliamentary sittings were held, out ...