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"දූෂණය" සහ "කෙලෙසීම" යන යෙදුම් පුවත්පත් තුළ භාවිතය: 2022 සහ 2023 වර්ෂ අතර සංසන්දයක්
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2024-02-05)On 5th February 2024, the Ethics Eye team published an infographic with charts comparing the usage of the terms "Dooshanaya (දූෂණය)" and "Kelesima (කෙලෙසීම)" in Sinhala newspapers between 2022 and 2023. The infographic ... -
ඔබ තෝරාගන්නේ කුමන සිරස්තලයද?
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2024-02-11)On February 6th 2024, Sinhala newspapers reported the arrest of a teacher on suspicion of arson. Among these publications, Mawbima used the derogatory term "Gura" (ගුරා) to describe the suspect. In contrast, Lankadeepa, ... -
එක් පුවතක්, වාර්තා කිහිපයක්
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2023-05-12)On May 10, 2023, Mawbima, Dinamina, and Aruna newspapers reported on an incident where an individual threatened a genecology specialist in the Kurunegala hospital, requesting an abortion for his girlfriend. While Dinamina ... -
අවමානයන් සහ අගෞරවයන් දිගින් දිගටම
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2023-05-12)On May 9, 2023, Dinamina newspaper published an insensitive editorial that trivialised Buddhi Prabodha Karunaratne's death by suicide and mental illness. The editorial contained derogatory terms such as "namba" (නාම්බා) ... -
එක් පුවතක්, සිරස්තල දෙකක් වඩාත් විශ්වසනීය සිරස්තලය කුමක්ද?
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2023-05-04)On May 4, 2023, Mawbima reported the new viral flu was a Covid variant, quoting the Sri Lanka Medical Association's President. However, the English language newspaper The Morning which published the same news, reported ...